The Moment by Dan Story

About Us

Hi there!

It's Dan here, the founder of TM, I am going to tell you a little bit about me and how our story has started. I'm Brazilian, I have a cute dog called Paçoca - he is the mascot of the team - and I married my soul mate, his name is Jonathan and he is also my partner at The Moment.

I've been working with corporate events and weddings since I was 18 years old, long time ago! LOL We’ve lived in Perth and in the Barossa Valley before coming to Adelaide. And it was in the Barossa Valley that The Moment was born.


I've always liked to organise events since I was a child. I’d always find reasons to celebrate, whether it was a carnaval party- Famous party in Brazil or Host a Mother's Day Award Party and so on! I always thought about which friend would be doing the lights for the dance floor, theme decorations, play the song, dance choreography...

When I became a teenager I started thinking about which university I would go to, what would make sense for me?

That movie...

Then I saw that movie “The Wedding Planner” and pretty much I decided that would be my career. It made perfect sense that I should be involved in moments where people are happy and celebrating unique moment, being surrounded by the magic that day brings. After that movie I've worked in renowned venues to be able to experience amazing places and stunning styling parties!

The Moment by Dan

We came up with the name The Moment with the intent of intensifying the present. The importance of living in the moment and being present while celebrating. Whether it's a proposal, wedding anniversary, a date, baby shower, bridal shower, job promotion, always making The Moment unique and memorable.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create the magical event, that brings happiness and makes that unique moment a celebration alongside the people that matter for you.

Our vision

Our vision is to always offer a better service and product, creating more extraordinary, surprising and intimate events and to be the best event company in Australia.

Our values

Our values are always based on trust, gratitude, communication, transparency, passion, respect, ethics, humanism, creativity and balance.

Thank You!


Throughout The Moment process I had people who helped with their expertise, excellent professionals/friends who are part of The Moment's story. It was Gabi, a marketing professional and friend, who developed the new logo with a modern identity and with the exact colour I wanted! The Blue Tiffany with gold! Sorry Tiffany, now it became The Moment’s blue, as my husband says. The logo was created thinking of something vibrant and happy, but at the same time sophisticated and elegant, which is the identity we bring to our events.

Here I want to show my gratitude and say thank you first to my husband, who is my partner, who believes in me and helps to make my dreams come true, who has plenty of energy to help me anytime and anywhere.

Thanks you to my little brother William, Rosi from Perth and my friends: Nina, Gabi, Ellen, Cyntia, Mari and Claire. All of them have immense skills to create something beautiful and helped me in this process! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. And of course my parents, who inspire me and taught me and to always believe in myself. Love you guys.
